This is my ranting & raving blog.
Empowering Small Businesses Against Retail Giants
Image by Pexels In today's business environment, small retailers often find themselves competing with larger, more established entities like ecommerce giants. While the challenges are manifold, there are tools and strategies that [...]
Avada custom header menu hover colors
Been awhile since using Avada? Avada custom header menu hover colors: They changed the way you select hover/active on your menu in a custom header layout. Custom header layouts make my earlier post on [...]
Essential Business Tools and Services for Web-Based Projects
In this digital age, an online presence is essential for any business looking to survive and thrive. But many small businesses struggle to keep up with the demands of web-based projects due to limited [...]
Space Between Bullet Points in Canva
I really don't like using Canva, but sometimes am forced to due to client's choices. When you create a bulleted list, you have the option to add space between ALL the lines, but wouldn't [...]